Reserve a study room online - College of Charleston Libraries

February 25, 2013

Students have the ability to check library study room availability and reserve a study room online by going directly to Simply choose the date, room, and time, to quickly and easily reserve a study room.
Study-Room-availability-300x215 Reserve a study room online
Reservations can be made online or via mobile phone anytime 24/7 by visiting the library’s website and clicking “Study Room Reservations”. Only CofC students with a valid email address are allowed to make reservations. Once a reservation is made, the student will receive an email to confirm the reservation. The student must confirm the reservation within 30 minutes of receiving the email to complete the reservation process. You may use your confirmation email to verify your reservation in the event that the room is occupied.

Reservations may be made up to 14 days in advance. Each student can make two, one hour reservations per day, up to 3 times per week for their group of 3 or more people. If your plans change, please cancel your reservation before your reservation is scheduled to begin to allow another group to make a reservation. Just click the link provided in the confirmation email to cancel your room.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding Collaborative Study Rooms, our policies or the online reservation system, please contact the Circulation Desk at or 953-8001.

Addlestone Library will be closing at 4pm for in person services beginning Tuesday, January 21, due to inclement weather. Please see our Academic Continuity Guide for hours and virtual services at all locations.