Now Hiring: Student Assistants - College of Charleston Libraries

May 8, 2023
Spotlight, Addlestone Library, Access & Instruction Services

Addlestone Library is looking for student assistants to work with us during the 2023-24 school year!

Our student assistants work with the Access Services unit, staffing the library’s two entrance desks and providing information about the library’s services. These students also perform various circulation tasks throughout the library, like shelving books.

The pay is $10/hour. Student employees work a set schedule of 10-15 hours/week depending on FWS funding, your availability and our staffing needs.

General Qualifications:

  • This is a Federal Work Study position. For more information, visit the Office of Financial Aid’s site.
  • Good verbal and written communication skills
  • Basic familiarity with and ability to use PC and Mac computers
  • Customer service experience is preferred, but not required.

To apply for this position:

Open Handshake and search “Addlestone Library Student Assistant.” The initial job posting will be open May 1-31 or until positions are filled. Interviews with qualified candidates will take place virtually. More information about on-campus employment can be found on the Career Center’s site.

If you have any questions about student employment at Addlestone Library, email Student Employment & Community Service Specialist Laura Cergol.

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Addlestone Library will be closing at 4pm for in person services beginning Tuesday, January 21, due to inclement weather. Please see our Academic Continuity Guide for hours and virtual services at all locations.