How Librarians Can Save The World (NPR) - College of Charleston Libraries

March 11, 2010

this-book-is-overdue200_custom-184x300 How Librarians Can Save The World (NPR)

An NPR article reports how librarians can save the world according to a new book by Marilyn Johnson.

As reported by Heller Mcalpin:

Say the word “librarian,” and most people conjure up a frumpy, bespectacled woman shushing people — Marion the Librarian. The image is outdated, Marilyn Johnson argues in her impassioned celebration of librarians and archivists, cleverly titled This Book Is Overdue. Johnson is a former magazine editor and the author of The Dead Beat: Lost Souls, Lucky Stiffs, and the Perverse Pleasures of Obituaries — another wittily titled appreciation of another underappreciated art. She is no stranger to research — and just how helpful a good librarian can be in navigating the overwhelming, “madly multiplying beast of exploding information.”

Read the rest of the article my Heller Mcalpin at NPR website.

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